Sunday, December 5, 2010

I'm sitting in a chair, but in the future its a throne.

I love that title; I seem to have the reoccurring theme of royalty. "Heavy is the Crown", now I'm sitting in thrones. I think I’m more infatuated with the Legacy that royalty has, they are forever memorialized in history. Money is nice and the fame is a perk but leaving behind something that will live on past my life seems like an amazing accomplishment. Whether my name is directly associated with it or not, knowing that I, out of almost 7 Billion people, shaped the future in someway is gratifying. 

I’ve been fascinated with this idea (on a small scale) since high school. 10th grade my friends and I decided that we weren’t going to leave high school without leaving a mark. I noticed that not even the most popular person would be remembered past 4 years after graduation (freshman’s keep them alive). So we decided to make an organization. After a few failed attempts we saw our niche, our high school lacked a hip hop based Dance Group! We compiled a list of interested folks, held tryouts, made a team and were able to get recognition in the school. The next year the original founders were not involved, yet our group stayed together. I'm sure no one knew we created the team, I didn’t care. It was being used, and that’s all that mattered. Three years after graduating it's still running, my sister (a senior there now) tells me its not the "same". I could care less, without our initial idea it wouldn’t be there at all.

That's basically my goal in life. Since that time, almost 5 years ago, my dreams for have blossomed from a Realtor, to a home builder, to a residential developer, to a commercial developer and now a mogul. Moguls sit in thrones, right??

Well if they don't I think Presidents do, or it’s a variation of one. I wasn't made for politics though, I can sell you anything BUT hope for a better nation, that task seems too impossible to me. It's a job where you will never be liked by all parties and I crave acceptance in my work. I've yet to truly inspire someone with my words. (It’s an amazing talent). Yet, I've been inspired by someone else’s "tweets".

On my personal twitter I came across a person whose tweets inspire me on a daily basis to be a better citizen, and to take responsibility for more than myself. Coincidentally this person does want to be a President, of Haiti.

After the wake of the earthquake in Haiti I became very enraged with living conditions of the people. I was born and raised in Miami and from that experience I learned a lot about different cultures but up until that earthquake I did not properly mentally asses the magnitude of the poverty. Following that I did want to throw my services and time to help in anyway possible. This is how I came to "follow" this individual on Twitter. His tweets were a daily reminder of those peoples struggle. Yet, and maybe this is in my twisted mind, I was encouraged to provide awareness for the people of Haiti, but to take a closer look at what I was doing in my community to better someone else’s life. 

Haiti is still filled with tent cities and suffering from a cholera outbreak. Wesley Laine advocates daily for clean water in Haiti and as a Holy Cross Alumni I'm certain he could find a good job pertaining to his degree. Yet and still he chooses to work for an Organization that will better "his" people in the long run. Oppose to saying "It's not my job".  The idea that he believes he can help a person; in return helping a nation is one that I never thought about. It’s a noble idea (there I got again with the Royalty words).

I doubt Wesley's numerous trips back and forth to Haiti will inspire me to go "off the grid" and feed children in Africa. But, his random acts of kindness, like assisting a person that had just gotten into a car accident on the side of the road, HAVE rubbed off on me and made me see that a small act of kindness, like picking up a random 6th grader who was hitch hiking his way to school in a THIN coat in freezing cold weather, can make the world of difference in the long run. When he goes to sit in that throne, or whatever you call the President's seat he will have earned it. As will anyone else who sees their "chair" as a temporary placement. 

-Premature Millionaire